Insurance for members of the Australian Psychological Society (APS)
or call 1800 805 191 Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm AET
Why do APS Members need insurance?
As a Psychologist, nothing compares to the treatment you provide your clients. In a world where everyone seems ‘too busy’, your service makes your clients feel heard and understood. However, it’s also important that you protect your business with appropriate insurance, through a broker that understands the risks your sector faces as well. Just as your service helps your clients through their challenging times, having adequate insurance in place will help you and your business weather rough times if you find yourself with a messy allegation of negligence and the resulting financial strain.
Aon is the approved insurance provider for Australian Psychological Society (APS) members. As sector experts, we have worked with industry bodies such as APS to listen to the needs of health practitioners and negotiated with insurers to develop to cover that is easy to understand.
Rely on Aon’s industry expertise in APS Member insurance
Business insurance can be complicated. What you think you’re paying for isn’t always what you get. At Aon, we want you to feel confident you’ve made a smart decision for your business insurance needs. As SME specialists for APS Members insurance, we understand the risks that businesses like yours face and how to insure against them. We know insurance policies and understand that the detail of your policy wording is critical to providing the type of cover your small business needs. That’s why we help you by arranging policies customised for the common risks of your industry. Our team of Australian-based SME insurance experts are here to support you and your business every step of the way. We’ll give you access to the relevant information required to help you understand the cover options available to you so you can feel more informed about your choice of insurance.
Choose your cover
Cover benefits of Professional Indemnity Insurance for APS Members
You could save hundreds of dollars on outside legal costs with 2 hours of complimentary legal advice that's included in this policy. Legal advice relating to your policy is not included.2
Choose a level of Professional Indemnity cover that suits you: $5 million, $7 million, $10 Million or $20 million.2
$5,000 for Therapy and Counselling Expenses which is required as a result of a Claim covered by the Policy.2
Professional Indemnity Insurance for Psychologists arranged through Aon includes unlimited retroactive cover for unknown claims or circumstances. This means it does not matter when the act, error or omission giving rise to the claim occurred, provided you did not know of the impending claim prior to the Period of Insurance.2
You can be subject to claims for professional wrong-doing even after you retire or sell your business. Run-off cover extends your insurance policy to respond to claims which arose while the business was operating.2,3
Why Aon?
Don't just insure, be sure.
Industry expertise
Feel confident about your choice of insurance by talking with specialists in your industry
Local support
All brokers based in Australia
Global broker
Our global scale means we can negotiate competitive quality insurance products with insurers
Client education
We provide specialist resources on business insurance and risk management to help you stay on top of current and emerging risks in your industry
Here are answers to some commonly asked questions by APS Members.
Why might I need run-off cover?
Even after you've retired or are no longer practising, you could still be subject to claims from the time you were in business. Under the Combined Professional Indemnity, Public & Products Liability Policy arranged through Aon, run-off cover allows you to arrange complimentary run-off cover for a period of up to 7 years in relation to incidents that happened while you were practising.2
Do I need to contact Aon to arrange my run-off cover?
Run-off cover provides insurance cover for your business after you have ceased your business, retired or left your profession. The Professional Indemnity, Public & Products Liability insurance for Psychologists includes complimentary run-off cover, however you will need to contact Aon to discuss and arrange the run-off policy before you cease your professional services and/or business and before the policy expires.1,2
Why do you need to advise your broker of an incident that may lead to a claim?
When the policy is placed on a claims made basis, the policy will respond to insured incidents/claims that are advised to the insurer during the period of cover. If you do not advise of a known incident, and if a complaint or legal action is taken at a later time, it is possible that the claim could be denied by the insurer.
What does “claims made policy” mean?
A claims made policy is an insurance policy which covers claims/incidents that are advised during the policy period (as long as you were not previously aware of them), even if they happened prior to the commencement date of your current policy. That’s why it’s important to also have an unlimited retroactive date (for unknown claims or circumstances), which means that your policy doesn’t exclude incidents that happened before the inception date of your current policy.
What is an unlimited retroactive date?
The policy includes unlimited retroactive date for unknown claims or circumstances. This means it does not matter when the act, error or omission giving rise to the claim occurred, provided you did not know of the impending claim prior to the Period of Insurance.2
Is it mandatory for APS Members to hold insurance?
Professional Indemnity Insurance is a mandatory requirement for Psychologists to hold as per requirements set by the Psychology Board of Australia. While Professional Indemnity is the only insurance which is mandatory, it may not be enough on its own to protect your business from the range of risks you face, so it’s worth speaking to your broker to fully understand the range of risks you face and decide which other forms of cover you might need.
Why do APS Members need Public Liability insurance?
Public Liability is an important cover for any business that interacts with members of the public. One of your clients or a member of the public could fall and hurt themselves or damage their property on your premises. This could lead to them making a claim against your business, and you could be held liable. Even if you don’t operate out of a business premise, and only see patients in their homes, Public Liability should still be considered as any interaction with the public or your clients in person holds a level of liability risk.
What level of complimentary legal advice do I receive?
A total of 2 hours of complimentary legal advice is offered if you hold the Aon Health Combined Professional Indemnity, Public & Products Liability Policy. You can call the Legal Helpline up to a total of 2 hours in each policy year, per policy, for general legal advice relating to your practice. Legal advice relating to your policy is not included.2
The Legal Helpline is entirely confidential, and you'll be supported by a network of lawyers who work independently of Aon. This conversation will not impact the future cost of your insurance premium.
How do I make a claim?
You will find details of how to make a claim in the policy wording you receive from us. However, we also appreciate that having to make a claim can be a stressful time. That's why as your broker we are always on hand to help with any questions. Please do not hesitate to call us on 1800 805 191 during business hours.
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Or call us on 1800 805 191, email us on [email protected]
1Subject to full terms, conditions and limits of the policy. Please review the full policy wording for more information.
2The run off cover will apply until the Group Facility is cancelled or not renewed. Subject to full terms, conditions and limits of the policy. Please review the full policy wording for more information.
3Hunter Premium Funding is a third party independent of Aon, however Aon will receive a commission if you pay for your policy through a premium funding agreement with them.
Combined Professional Indemnity Public & Products Liability Insurance Policy Wording for Psychologists is arranged by Aon Risk Services Australia Limited ABN 17 000 434 720 (Aon) on behalf of the underwriter, Insurance Australia Limited ABN 11 000 016 722 AFSL 227681 trading as CGU Insurance. If you purchase this insurance, Aon will receive a commission that is a percentage of the premium. Further information can be provided upon request.
Please also note that the Australian Psychological Society Limited ABN 23 000 543 788 (APS) act as a referrer of the above listed insurance/s to Aon. Where you purchase this insurance as a result of a referral from APS to Aon, APS will receive a fixed fee from Aon’s total remuneration. Please feel free to contact us for further information.