Insurance for members of Chiropractic Australia
or call 1800 805 191 Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm AET
Why do Chiropractic Australia members need Insurance?
As the approved insurance broker for Chiropractic Australia, we’ve been helping protect Chiropractors for over 20 years. By working closely with Chiropractic Australia, we’ve ensured the cover we arrange meets the registration requirements of the Chiropractic Board of Australia.
By trusting Aon to arrange your insurance, you can be confident you’re making a better decision for you and your business. We will have your back if you were to experience an allegation of negligence or other unfortunate incident and need to make a claim.
Why choose Aon for Chiropractors Insurance?
When it comes to insurance for Chiropractic Australia Members, there are a few options available to you. Aon is committed to making life easier for you with insurance that’s easy to understand, buy and manage, so you can get quotes and take out a policy online in just a few clicks. Or if you need help, our team of friendly experienced brokers are a phone call away to help you understand what insurances you may or may not need, but more importantly why; helping give you confidence that you’re making a better decision for you and your business.
Choose your cover
Cover benefits under the Medical Malpractice & Broadform Liability for Chiropractors & Osteopaths
For matters related to your professional services, included as part of your Professional Indemnity policy and offered via select legal firms.3
$10 million of public & products liability automatically included, with the option of increasing to $20 million for an additional cost.3
You can be subject to claims for professional wrong-doing even after you retire or sell your business. Run-off cover extends your insurance policy for up to 7 years after your business ceases, to respond to claims which arose while the business was operating.3
You may be covered for claims relating to events that happened before you purchased cover, as long as you weren’t aware of a claim or facts or circumstances which could give rise to a claim, before you purchased the policy.3
Subject to eligibility criteria and must be stated in the Schedule.
Why Aon?
Don't just insure, be sure.
Industry expertise
Feel confident about your choice of insurance by talking with specialists in your industry
Local support
All brokers based in Australia
Global broker
Our global scale means we can negotiate competitive quality insurance products with insurers
Client education
We provide specialist resources on business insurance and risk management to help you stay on top of current and emerging risks in your industry
Here are some questions commonly asked by Chiropractic Australia Members.
What level of complimentary legal advice can I receive under my Professional Indemnity policy?
A total of 1 hour of complimentary legal advice is offered if you hold the CGU Medical Malpractices and Broadform Liability policy for Chiropractors & Osteopaths arranged through Aon. You can call the Legal Helpline up to a total of 1 hour in each policy year, for general legal advice relating to your professional practice. Legal advice relating to indemnity under your policy is not included.
Is it mandatory for Chiropractors to hold insurance?
If you're practising, you need Professional Indemnity insurance arrangements in place that meet the Chiropractic Board of Australia standard.
Am I covered if I conduct home visits to treat patients?
If you conduct home visits to provide your service, the Medical Malpractice and Broadform Liability for Chiropractors & Osteopaths Policy will extend to those visits. However, this may not be the case for all policies, so we recommend contacting your broker to confirm your coverage.2
Why do Chiropractors need Public and Products Liability insurance?
Patients and members of the public frequently visit your business premises. One of your visitors could trip on the steps leading up to your business premises, twisting their ankle and dropping their brand new mobile phone. That visitor could make a claim against you, alleging that you are liable for their injury and for the damage to their phone. Chiropractors Liability Insurance provides cover for legal liabilities if a member of the public makes a claim that they were injured, or damage was caused to their property because of your business dealings or on your premises.2
Can I place my insurance on hold if I’m going on parental leave?
We are able to arrange a 50% discount off the base premium on a pro-rata basis effective from the date you notify us that you will be going on parental leave.2
What should I do if I have not received my certificate of currency or renewal offer/documents?
Please accept our apologies. At Aon we strive to deliver best in class service, so we are sorry to hear you have not received your documents. Please request your Certificate of Currency here or alternatively contact us on 1800 805 191 or [email protected] and we will look to send your documents as soon as possible.
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The news you need to know
Or call us on 1800 805 191, email us on [email protected]
1Discounts are dependent on meeting underwriting guidelines and questions.
2Available to new Aon customers who do not currently have a Professional Indemnity or Public Liability policy arranged by Aon. Aon reserves the right to cancel this offer at any time.
3Subject to full terms, conditions and limits of the policy. Please review the full policy wording for more information.
In arranging the Medical Malpractice and Broadform Liability for Chiropractors & Osteopaths Policy, Aon has a binder agreement with Insurance Australia Limited ABN 11 000 016 722 under which we are authorised to commit Insurance Australia Limited to providing cover without reference to them. If you purchase this insurance, Aon will receive a commission that is a percentage of the premium. Further information can be found in our FSG or provided upon request. When acting under a binder we will be acting under an authority given to Aon by the insurer and will be effecting the insurance contract as agent of the insurer and not as your agent. Our binder arrangements with the insurer are such that we remain your agent in the handling of any claim.
Please also note that Chiropractic Australia Ltd ABN 27 606 305 579 (CA), act as a referrer of the above listed insurance/s to Aon. Where you purchase this insurance as a result of a referral from CA to Aon, CA will receive a fixed fee from Aon’s total remuneration. Please feel free to contact us for further information.