Insurance for members of Massage & Myotherapy Australia (MMA)
or call 1800 805 191 Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm AET
Why do Massage & Myotherapy Austalia Members need insurance?
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Cover Benefits for MMA Members
You could save hundreds of dollars on outside legal costs with 2 hours of complimentary legal advice on risks insured under this Policy. Legal advice relating to your policy is not included.2
You may be covered for claims relating to events that happened before you purchased cover, as long as you weren’t aware of a claim or facts or circumstances which could give rise to a claim, before you purchased the policy.2
Subject to eligibility criteria.
No excess for certain claims against the Professional Indemnity or Product Liability section.2
You can be subject to claims for professional wrongdoing even after you cease operating, retire or sell your business. Run-off cover extends your insurance policy for up to 7 years after you cease operating, retire or sell your business, to indemnify you in respect of acts, errors or omissions occurring while your business was still operating.2
Why Aon?
Don't just insure, be sure.
Industry expertise
Feel confident about your choice of insurance by talking with specialists in your industry
Local support
All brokers based in Australia
Global broker
Our global scale means we can negotiate competitive quality insurance products with insurers
Client education
We provide specialist resources on business insurance and risk management to help you stay on top of current and emerging risks in your industry
Here are some questions commonly asked by MMA Members.
What level of complimentary legal advice do I receive?
A total of 2 hours of complimentary legal advice is offered if you hold the Aon Health Combined Professional Indemnity, Public & Products Liability Policy. You can call the Legal Helpline up to a total of 2 hours in each policy year, per policy, for general legal advice relating to your practice. Legal advice relating to your policy is not included.2
The Legal Helpline is entirely confidential, and you'll be supported by a network of lawyers who work independently of Aon. This conversation will not impact the future cost of your insurance premium.
Is it mandatory for Massage Therapists to hold insurance?
As a massage therapist, while there are no laws relating to insurance you must hold, you may be required to maintain insurance as a requirement of your association membership, or to gain an approved provider status with private health funds. Insurance should still be something to seriously consider if you want to protect your business from financial pressure should you experience an insured event.
Am I covered if I conduct home visits to treat patients?
If you conduct home visits to provide your service, the Aon Health Combined Professional Indemnity, Public & Products Liability Policy will extend to those visits. However, this may not be the case for all policies, so we recommend contacting your broker to confirm your coverage.2
Why do Massage Therapists need Public Liability insurance?
Public Liability is an important cover for any business that interacts with members of the public. One of your clients or a member of the public could slip and hurt themselves or damage their property on your premises. This could lead to a claim against your business, and you could be held liable.2
What should I do if I have not received my certificate of currency or renewal offer/documents?
Please accept our apologies. At Aon, we strive to deliver best in class service, so we are sorry to hear you have not received your documents. Please request your Certificate of Currency here or alternatively contact us on 1800 805 191 or [email protected] and we will look to send your documents as soon as possible.
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Or call us on 1800 805 191, email us on [email protected]