Insurance for members of Mediation Institute
Or call 1800 020 339 Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm AET
Why do Mediation Institute Members need insurance?
Your clients might rely on your knowledge and expertise to assist and advise them, but in your line of work, sometimes, an error on your part can land you into your own difficult situation. That’s why if you’re a Mediator, having appropriate insurance for your business is an important part of protecting your business’s financial livelihood.
When it comes to insurance for Mediators, there are a few options available to you, and deciding which ones you need might not be easy. Aon is committed to making life easier for you by arranging insurance that’s easy to understand, buy and manage, so you can get quotes and take out a policy online in just a few clicks. Or if you do need help, our team of friendly experienced brokers are a phone call away to help you understand what insurances you may or may not need, but more importantly, why; helping give you confidence that you’re making a better decision for you and your business.
Choose your cover
How to contact Aon
Cover Benefits for the Professional Indemnity (with optional public & products liability).
Applicable to members with revenue up to $200,0002, 3
You could save hundreds of dollars on outside legal costs with 2 hours of complimentary legal advice that's included in this policy. Legal advice relating to your policy is not included.3
Professional Indemnity sum insured (limit of Liability) $10,000,000 and $40,000,000 in the aggregate.2, 3
No excess for certain claims against Professional Indemnity where provided in the Schedule.3
Option to include Public & Products Liability cover. Public Liability sum insured anyone occurrence $20,000,000 & Products Liability sum insured $20,000,000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate3
You may be covered for claims relating to events that happened before you purchased cover, as long as you weren’t aware of a claim or facts or circumstances which could give rise to a claim, before you purchased the policy.3 Subject to eligibility criteria and must be stated in the Schedule.
You can be subject to claims for professional wrong-doing even after you retire or sell your business. Run-off cover extends your insurance policy for up to 7 years after your business ceases, to respond to claims which arose while the business was operating.3
Why Aon?
Don't just insure, be sure.
Industry expertise
Feel confident about your choice of insurance by talking with specialists in your industry
Local support
All brokers based in Australia
Global broker
Our global scale means we can negotiate competitive quality insurance products with insurers
Client education
We provide specialist resources on business insurance and risk management to help you stay on top of current and emerging risks in your industry
What does “claims made policy” mean?
A claims made policy is an insurance policy which covers claims/incidents that are advised during the policy period (as long as you were not previously aware of them), even if they happened prior to the commencement date of your current policy. That’s why it’s important to also have an unlimited retroactive date (for unknown claims or circumstances), which means that your policy doesn’t exclude incidents that happened before the inception date of your current policy.
What is an unlimited retroactive date?
The policy includes unlimited retroactive date for unknown claims or circumstances. This means it does not matter when the act, error or omission giving rise to the claim occurred, provided you did not know of the impending claim prior to the Period of Insurance.3
Why might I need run-off cover?
Even after you've retired or are no longer practising, you could still be subject to claims from the time you were in business. Under the Professional Indemnity section of the, Professional Indemnity with optional broadform liability insurance for Mediators arranged through Aon, allows you to arrange complimentary run-off cover for a period of up to 7 years in relation to incidents that happened while you were practising.3
Do I need to contact Aon to arrange my run-off cover?
Run-off cover provides insurance cover for your business after you have ceased your business, retired or left your profession. The Professional Indemnity section of the, Professional Indemnity with optional broadform liability insurance for Mediators includes complimentary run-off cover, however you will need to contact Aon to discuss and arrange the run-off policy before you cease your professional services and/or business and before the policy expires.3
Why do you need to advise your broker of an incident that may lead to a claim?
When the policy is placed on a claims made basis, the policy will respond to insured incidents/claims that are advised to the insurer during the period of cover. If you do not advise of a known incident, and if a complaint or legal action is taken at a later time, it is possible that the claim could be denied by the insurer.
Or call us on 1800 020 339, email us on [email protected]