
QuickFee and Aon

Insurance for QuickFee customers

Or call 1800 020 339 Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm AET

QuickFee and Aon

If you’re operating an accounting firm, you already know how much of an asset your business is to you, so having the right insurance for your own business should be a key part of your equation too. That’s why Aon and QuickFee are working together to offer their clients a range of solutions for their professional and business needs.

There are risks in the operation of businesses such as yours, that’s why insurance that is customised for the common risks in your industry should be a key consideration when deciding how to protect your business. Whether it’s a professional indemnity solution or understanding what Cyber risk solutions are available to you, our team of experienced brokers with specialist experience in the financial services industry can help you today..

AU QuickFee 328x168

Why Aon?

Don't just insure, be sure.

Industry expertise

Feel confident about your choice of insurance by talking with specialists in your industry

Local support

All brokers based in Australia

Global broker

Our global scale means we can negotiate competitive quality insurance products with insurers

Client education

We provide specialist resources on business insurance and risk management to help you stay on top of current and emerging risks in your industry

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions by QuickFee customers

Do I need insurance as an Accountant?

As an accountant, you’re responsible for advising your clients on some pretty important matters, so if you make an error or provide incorrect advice, the financial loss to your clients could be significant, which puts you at risk of having legal action taken against you. Having the right insurance in place may help reduce the impact to your own finances.

Why do Accountants need both Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance?

Professional Indemnity Insurance applies to claims where clients allege your advice or service caused them financial loss. Public Liability on the other hand covers you for claims where a client or members of the public alleges they suffered an injury or property damage as a result of your business activities.

I operate my practice from home, do I need insurance?

If you operate your practice from home, Professional Indemnity is still relevant as the risk of clients alleging professional negligence on your part is still applicable. It's likely at some point, you will meet with clients in person, whether that's at their home, or out in public, so Public & Products Liability is also very relevant for you. Business Insurance can also help cover the cost of your office equipment such as mobile phone or laptop if they're stolen or damaged.

Why might I need Cyber Insurance?

Your high-value client base, the commercially sensitive information you hold about them and the raft of cloud based and online technologies you use all make you susceptible to cyber crime. For cyber criminals, attacking your system wouldn't require much effort on their part, but the ramifications for you (and your clients) could be far-reaching. Cyber Insurance can therefore help safeguard your business's viability if you do fall victim to an attack, and help make sure you're not left with substantial out of pocket costs to rectify your IT systems and get your business back up and running.

Why do I need Management Liability Insurance?

If you’re managing a business, you’re responsible for making some very big decisions, and a management liability policy can help protect against the risks and exposures involved in doing so. If your business is a company, it also includes cover for directors & officers’ personal and corporate liabilities.

What if I retire or leave the profession?

Professional Indemnity insurance policies arranged by Aon are ‘Claims made and notified’ policies. This means that the policy only provides cover for claims made against you whilst the policy is in force (subject to policy terms and conditions). If the policy lapses, is not renewed or is cancelled, there is no cover available under the policy for claims made against you after that time.

If you plan to retire or leave the professional, you may need to arrange Run-Off cover. Run-off cover provides cover for claims made against you after your current Professional Indemnity policy expires. Run-off cover is NOT automatically provided; you must apply for run-off cover AND be accepted by your insurer in order to have run-off cover apply. If your policy is lapsed, not renewed or cancelled, and you have not applied for run-off cover, you may be uninsured for any claims made against you after your current policy expires, lapses or is cancelled.

For example if a client makes a claim against you in relation to an act, error or omission committed in past work, the policy you have in place at the time of the claim will respond, not the policy in place at the time the work was performed.

Do I need to take out separate insurance to cover my employees?

Yes, if you employ staff, you will need to take out Workers Compensation Insurance. You can speak to your state regulator about your needs as coverage and legislation varies between different states

How do I make a claim?

You will find details of how to make a claim in the policy wording you receive from us. However, we also appreciate that having to make a claim can be a stressful time which is why as your advocate we are always on hand to help with any questions. Please do not hesitate to call us on 1800 020 339 or email [email protected]

What if I need to make a change to my policy?

It is important to keep your policy up to date with the changing shape of your business but also to keep your business and personal information up to date in the event of a claim. Should your business circumstances have changed, for example you have moved into a new premises or you have changed the services that you offer and you are not sure if your existing insurance covers it anymore then you can always call one of our experienced friendly brokers to discuss on 1800 020 339 during business hours.

How do I renew my policy?

Your renewal offer, schedule and tax invoice will be emailed to you approximately 30 days before your renewal date. Please ensure you review the details of our offer carefully (remember pricing and coverage levels may have changed so it is important to review). If you are happy with the offer and wish to accept, simply make payment by the date specified on the tax invoice.

What should I do if I have not received my certificate of currency or renewal offer/documents?

Please accept our apologies. At Aon we strive to deliver best in class service, so we are sorry to hear you have not received your documents. Please contact us on 1800 020 339 or [email protected] and we will look to send your documents as soon as possible.

What are your opening hours?

Our opening hours are 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (AET, except public holidays). If you need to contact us out of hours you can email us at [email protected] and we will pick up your query on the next business day.

Can I pay for my policy monthly?

Yes you can, monthly payments can be arranged through a premium funding agreement with Hunter Premium Funding2 to help you spread the costs of your insurance across the year. Please note that the total overall cost is higher if you pay monthly. Contact us on 1800 020 339 or by email on [email protected].

The news you need to know

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Ways to get in touch

Or call us on 1800 020 339, email us on [email protected]

1Subject to full terms, conditions and limits of the policy. Please review the full policy wording for more information.
2Hunter Premium Funding is a third party independent of Aon, however Aon will receive a commission if you pay for your policy through a premium funding agreement with them.

Please also note that Aon and QuickFee Australia Ltd (ABN 75 135 670 674) (QuickFee) act as referrers of the above insurance products and services. Where you purchase insurance products as a result of a referral from QuickFee to Aon, QuickFee will receive a fixed fee from Aon’s total remuneration. Where you purchase services as a result of a referral from Aon to QuickFee, Aon will receive a fixed fee from QuickFee’s total remuneration. Please feel free to contact us for further information