
Business Insurance Pack for Health Professionals

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Business Insurance Pack for Health Professionals

Here’s a smarter method of buying a Business Insurance pack, with three pre-selected online options designed to suit the most common business needs of health professionals. Our online application will only ask you questions relevant to your business’s risks, without the long, time-consuming questionnaires. The table below sets out the covers included and not included under each option.

Your cover explained

Here’s an overview of the covers included and not included under each option:

InclusionsOn the moveSole Practitioner / Small BusinessSmall-Medium BusinessCustom Cover
General Portable Property
Business Interruption  
Engineering Plant   
Electronic Equipment   
Employee Fraud   

On the move

You work for yourself and don't lease any clinical space - working either from home, as a locum or simply independent of the need to put a roof on your business.

Sole Practitioner / Small Business

You work by yourself and lease a small clinic - you could be in a local shopping strip, single shop or larger complex - but you don't own or invest in the property.

Small-Medium Business

You're working with other colleagues to run a clinic and you're responsible for insuring the business.

Custom Cover

Consider your business needs and select the covers you want insurance for and we will arrange a quote.

Why Aon?

Don't just insure, be sure.

Industry expertise

Feel confident about your choice of insurance by talking with specialists in your industry

Local support

All brokers based in Australia

Global broker

Our global scale means we can negotiate competitive quality insurance products with insurers

Client education

We provide specialist resources on business insurance and risk management to help you stay on top of current and emerging risks in your industry

Frequently Asked Questions

How much should I insure my contents and general property for?

Your contents and general property should be insured for new replacement value. This means you need to work out the cost to replace the contents with brand new items that have a similar function, output and construction to that of the original property when it was new, or in the case of general property, the same features or features that are nearly the same as (but not less than) the item being replaced.

How can I work out the sum insured I need for my Building (Property)?

The sum insured you nominate for Buildings under your Property section should reflect the cost to rebuild your building completely. This not only means the cost to rebuild the property itself, but should also include any additional costs such as removal of debris, architect & engineer fees and council fees. If you're unsure of how you can calculate this, a professional valuation may be of help to ensure that you are insured for the correct amount.

What happens if I underinsure?

If you take out cover under the Property, Business Interruption and Electronic Equipment sections, you must take care to ensure that your sum insured or declared value reflects the new replacement value of the assets. If you do not insure for new replacement value, it means your assets are underinsured, and in the event of a claim, the amount you are paid can be proportionally reduced in accordance with the respective underinsurance clauses.

I’ve received my documents, and my business name is incorrect, what should I do?

Please contact our team immediately to have your business name corrected. Remember that your policy should be in your registered entity’s name, and not just your trading name. All details such as ‘Pty Ltd’ as well as names of all owners/insureds must also be included. If these details are incorrect or incomplete, the claims process can become complicated, and a claim may even be denied.

I’m moving to another premises, what should I do?

If you're planning to move premises, you need to contact our team before you move to allow us enough time to update your address. If you move and don’t have your insurance updated, you could find yourself potentially uninsured, because you’ve been insuring the wrong premises.

What does Contents include?

Contents includes all Items owned by you which are kept on your business premises, (other than buildings and stock). Imagine tipping your clinic building upside down - everything that would fall out PLUS any landlords fixtures and fittings which you are contractually obligated to insure under the terms or a lease or similar agreement,

What is the difference between Property and General Property under your Business Insurance policy?

The Property section allows you to insure all of your assets that are located at the premises you conduct your business from (the premises that is listed on your policy schedule). General Property is intended to cover goods that you take away from your business premises, such as your laptop and mobile phone., to anywhere in the world unless cover has been limited to the situation shown in your schedule.

What is the difference between Property Section and Burglary Sections of the policy?

The Property section provides cover for items of property against accidental physical damage, destruction or loss and includes events such as fire, storm, earthquake and lightning. If you’d also like items of property to be covered for theft from the premises, then you will need to select the Burglary cover section.

Can I take out Glass cover if I’m a tenant?

Yes, sometimes tenancy agreements may require you to take out insurance for the glass at the premises. In the event of a claim, you may be required to provide a copy of your lease agreement.

Ways to get in touch

Or call us on 1800 805 191, email us on [email protected]

Any advice provided is general advice only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making a decision to acquire this policy, you should obtain and consider all information made available, including the Product Disclosure Statement, Target Market Determination (where applicable) and policy terms and conditions, to determine whether it is appropriate for you, having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs.

Health Professionals Business Insurance is arranged by Aon Risk Services Australia Limited ABN 17000 434 720 AFSL 241141 (Aon) under a binder agreement on behalf of the underwriter, Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ZAIL) ABN 13 000 296 640 AFSL 232507. When acting under a binder we will be acting as agent of the insurer and not as your agent. Our binder arrangements with the insurer are such that we remain your agent in the handling of any claim. If you purchase this insurance, Aon will receive a commission that is a percentage of the premium. Further information can be found in our FSG or provided upon request.

Please also note that the Occupational Therapy Australia Limited ABN 27 025 075 008 (OTA), act as a referrer of the above listed insurance/s to Aon. Where you purchase this insurance as a result of a referral from OTA to Aon, OTA will receive a fixed fee from Aon’s total remuneration. Please feel free to contact us for further information.

Please also note that the Australian Psychological Society Limited ABN 23 000 543 788 (APS) act as a referrer of the above listed insurance/s to Aon. Where you purchase this insurance as a result of a referral from APS to Aon, APS will receive a fixed fee from Aon’s total remuneration. Please feel free to contact us for further information.